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Greenglue Norton CST 50mm dempetape 30m rull

999,00,- inkl. mva

15 på lager

Produktnummer: NortonCST_30m Kategori:

Informasjon fra produsent:

One of the biggest noise complaints is the sound of footsteps and squeaky floors. The squeaking occurs naturally when floors settle, and joists rub together with subflooring – but this is avoidable. The solution is Green Glue Noiseproofing Joist Tape. The tape creates a seal that prevents void spaces which occur as joists and subfloors dry and shrink.

Rolling Green Glue Noiseproofing Joist Tape takes practically no time at all and can easily be incorporated into flooring jobs with our patented roller. Simply roll tape onto floor joists, adhesive side down, and install subflooring on top.

Green Glue Noiseproofing Joist Tape comes in three standard width sizes based on the most common joist sizes in new construction projects.

Joist Tape

The Green Glue Noiseproofing Joist Tape is 100 linear feet long and available in widths of 1-7/16″, 2-1/4″, and 3″. Select the width appropriate for your floor joists. The Joist Tape must cover the width of the joists to be effective.

Make sure all surfaces are free from dirt, ice, and water before applying the Noiseproofing Joist Tape.

Apply the Noiseproofing Joist Tape — adhesive side down — evenly to the top of each floor joist. This can be done by hand or using the Green Glue Joist Tape Applicator, pictured right.

Once placement of the Noiseproofing Joist Tape is complete, apply the sub-floor as normal to joists after being affixed.

Please note

The use of construction adhesive is NOT possible when securing the subfloor. Joist Tape should be at least 50°F when applied for the adhesive to ensure

the pressure sensitive adhesive will function.

Joist Tape is used to address squeaks when the subfloor rubs against the joists and does not provide other acoustical benefits.

Visit www.greengluecompany.com/FAQs for further information.

Vekt 5 kg
Dimensjoner 40 × 40 × 10 cm


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