Nyhet fra DreamScreen! Her får du en svært stillegående ventilasjonsenhet som veldig enkelt monteres på veggen eller taket, med svært høy luftutskiftning (hele 150 m3 per time) og ikke minst et superavansert filtreringssystem som består av to separate filternivåer (grovfilter -> HEPA). I tillegg har selvsagt viften varmegjenvinning med opp til 80% effektivitet, som sparer deg for strømkostnader og gjør det lettere å la kinorommet stå klar for bruk også på vinterhalvåret uten at strømregningen går til himmels.
CineVent Wall & Ceiling 150 er en robust, ny ventilasjonsløsning for hjemmekino eller andre oppholdsrom. I tillegg til å skifte ut luft svært effektivt, langt høyere enn konkurrerende løsninger fra f.eks. Mitsubishi, har CineVent et HEPA filter som fjerner alt fra pollen til bittesmå partikler som covid-19 virus. Høy luftsirkulasjon er i tillegg viktig for å holde luften fri for denne type partikler, samt er essensiell for å holde oksygennivået på et behagelig nivå når en skal oppholde seg over tid i et lite- til mellomstort rom. Enheten har også >80% varmegjenvinning.
Enheten kan installeres både i tak eller på vegg, men bør installeres på et teknisk rom om en installere den i taket, eventuelt bør den bygges inn i himlingen med tilgang via luke. Hvis den bygges inn i vegg bør en vurdere å benytte baffelveggen i front (en egen vegg som benyttes for å installere høyttalere og subwoofere i en hjemmekino), der det er plass både til enheten og rørføringer.
Husk at støyisolasjon av rørføringene er viktig i et lydisolert opplegg, det skal være minst 2m rør og minst ett 180-graders bend per rør, enten på inn- eller utluften. I tillegg må rørene isoleres godt. Når vi prosjekterer for deg inkluderer dette ventilasjonsløsningen, og der vil vi påpasse at denne type forhold er ivaretatt.
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When constructing a functional home cinema environment, noise-proofing is a critical component. You want to be able to enjoy the audiovisual experience without bothering the surroundings. For noise-proofing, our ProSilence series is a brilliant, easy-to-install and highly efficient system. One vital part of noise-proofing your cinema is to hermetically seal the room from its surroundings, and as such, ventilation is required. If you connect your existing HVAC system, you run the risk of emitting noise through the system, and if you do not already have a HVAC system installed, the free-standing CineVent will provide your noise-proofed room with the ventilation required.
Our balanced air ventilation CineVent systems combines super silent operation, high output (150 m3 per hour) and stellar filtration (carbon + HEPA 13). In addition, as much as 81% of your in-room heat is recovered during winter time, reducing your electric bills significantly, allowing you to maintain a stabile temperature even though you might not be using the room every day. The system also cools down in summertime as a result of the air exchange, but since there is no active cooling applied other than the air circulation we do recommend a (reversed in summer) heat pump to help. Please note that although very helpful for controlling in-room temperatures, a heat pump does not exchange the air (which is required in a sealed room), it only treats the in-room air.
Our WALL & CEILING model allows you to install it inside your cinema, using two Ø100 ducts, one for the incoming air and one for the outgoing.
This model explains how the heat exchanger works. Instead of simply exhausting the heat within the room, >90% is captured and sent back. For a room holding 20 degrees, you would typically regain 18 degrees through the heat exchanger. For summertime, the exchange of air would lower your temperature a little, but in many cases we do recommend using a heat pump in inverse (i.e. cooling) as getting rid of excessive heat is not the primarily function of this type of ventilation unit. Please note, however, that a heat pump does not exchange air, it only treats the air within the room.
The Norwegian TEK10 official guidelines suggests that the requirements are minimum 1,2 m3 air replacement per square meter plus 26 m3 per person within the room to maintain co2-levels below 1000ppm. This coincides with our experience in home cinema ventilation as well as the recommendations from our manufacturing partner. In short – each person produces a significant amount of co2 – and in relatively small, sealed rooms such as a home cinema this adds up to excessive levels if not properly ventilated.
For a 20 m2 cinema housing four people, the requirement is (1,2 x 20) + (26 x 4) = 128 m3. If only two people are using the cinema, the requirement would be 78 m3, but for 6 people, the requirement is as much as 182 m3 per hour. Most smaller in-room ventilation systems are not capable of meeting these requirements, even with as few as two people in the room, while the CineVent Wall, with its 150 m3 per hour in maximum operation, would be sufficient even if six people enjoy a movie in a 20 square meter room. If the air exchange is insufficient, the amount of carbon dioxide will exceed the levels of comfort, potentially causing fatigue, headache and overall a major implication on the enjoyment you seek from your home cinema.
The CineVent wall includes a front display, providing you with a live detection of the overall air quality in your room.
When enjoying your audiovisual setup, comfort is important. The quality of the air is often underestimated, whereas an hour of movie watching, low quality air that might contain particles, dust and even bacteria might reduce your enjoyment and cause unnecessary fatigue. In addition to replacing the air in your room very efficiently, the CineVent features state-of-the-art air filtration. Even the tiniest of particles such as pollen is effectively taken care of using our 3-step filtration system. The CineVents combine two filter levels; first a washable early effect, carbon activated filter that takes care of the coarse dust, then a secondary 3M HEPA filter that removes most of the remaining particles.
The filter features composite fiber, sprayed with activated carbon powder, filters dust particles efficiently with very low air velocity reduction. This washable filter can be used repeatedly.
This 3M manufactured HEPA filter meets the European standard H13, and the PM2.5 removal rate is up to 99.97%, while the large dust holding capacity reduces the need for replacement to a maximum of two times per year.
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